Public Records Requests FAQs
Freedom of Information Act
(US Code Title 5, Section 552)
City of Houston
Office of the City Clerk
13878 W Armstrong Rd
Houston, AK 99694
Phone: 907.892.6869
How do I request copies of public documents?
Many documents such as agendas, minutes, ordinances, resolutions and documents like Certified Financial Statements and budgets may be obtained on the city’s website. Otherwise, a Public Records Request form must be submitted to the City Clerk stating specifically the document(s) you wish to have copies of along with your contact information and signature. All other requests over the phone or through email will be returned advising that a Public Records Request must be submitted.
Is there a cost associated with a request for public documents?
There is an administrative fee of 25-cents per black & white page (50-cents per color page) payable prior to the release of documents. Total administrative fees which are less than $5.00 may be waived at the discretion of City Administration. Should a request require more than 5 person-hours time per calendar month per requester to research and assemble the documents requested, additional labor fees may apply at the rate of pay of the city employee responsible for maintaining those documents. As a request, even multiple requests, can amass a significant amount of fees due to the volume or time required to meet your requests, any anticipated amount over $50 will be required to submit the total estimated fee prior to commencing work on that request.
What if the estimated cost and the actual cost are not the same, will I get my money back?
When the project is completed and the actual cost is determined, the difference will either be refunded or the required balance due will be paid prior to the release of the requested documents.
How long can I expect to wait for my requested documents?
It is the city’s policy to return all requests within 10 business-days time, holidays excluded. However, due to the sheer volume of the documents requested or the volume of requests, or for some unforeseen circumstance, you may be notified that an additional 10 days is required to complete your request. The processing of Public Records Requests must not interfere with the primary duties assigned to the responsible office which may also be considered just cause for additional time to meet the obligations for your request.
How may I obtain a Public Documents Request form?
Public Documents Request forms are available at Houston City Hall, or click on the link below for an electronic copy.