10.07.010 Purpose.

A. Those uses listed in this title as conditional uses are declared to be potentially damaging to the property values and usefulness of adjacent properties, and/or potentially harmful to the public health, safety and welfare, and unless maintained under and in accordance with a lawfully issued permit, such uses are declared to be public nuisances and are prohibited.

B. The conditional use permitting procedure is intended to allow the City Council, acting as the City Zoning Board, to consider the consistency of a proposed use with the City of Houston Comprehensive Plan and its potential impacts on surrounding uses and the natural environment; and to attach such conditions to a permit that will ensure that the conditional use will be compatible with nearby uses; will be in keeping with the character and integrity of the area; and will protect the public health, safety, and welfare. (Ord. 08-13 § 5, 2008; Ord. 09-23 § 4, 2009. Formerly Ch. 10.41 Art. VIII)


Conditional Use Permit Applications 

For pending or approved permits, please contact the City Clerks office for more information.